"Give it to me straight.
Are things going well?
Are you high in heaven
or down through hell?
You see, I worry about
if he treats you alright.
You deserve the best
and the worst ain't right."
"Things are going great,
he's the love of my life.
So what if there's bruises,
he'll never use a knife.
He loves me more, than
anyone could ever know.
I see the good in him
and can't ever let himgo.
I'd be so lost without him,
he's the mate for my soul.
So what if the price is high,
for his love I'll pay the toll."
"Open your eyes, baby girl,
and let yourself see.
He's holding you prisoner
and won't let you be free.
You deserve so much better
than the things he can give.
I'm scared for you; really,
is this how you want to live?"
"Leave me alone would you?
Could you just let me be?
I know how to live my life
and with him I am free.
He's different, he's changed
just like he promised he'd do.
And now that he's all better,
we'll start our love anew.
The bruises are temporary
and my mind will soon heal.
All that matters is when I'm
with him, I yearn for his feel.
Plus, he cares for me dearly,
like no one ever could.
Who else would love me like him?
Trust me, I know I'm no good."
"I'm pleading with you hear stop,
please don't push me away.
I care for you too much to leave,
you know I'll never stray.
I can't take to see the pain
that's written on your face.
Come with beautiful girl
and we'll find a safer place.
He'll never lay another finger
on your precious skin.
If you'd just come and join me,
this is a fight we'd surely win."
"I'm sorry, but you don't get it,
I'll never leave his strong side.
With him I will forever stay
for there my heart resides.
I'll burn in hell as he takes me
down, if that's what it takes.
To keep his love so dear to me,
I'll just avoid all mistakes.
Besides, I've become numb
to the way he brings me low.
So worry not about my health,
I am better than you'll know."
"He finally did it,
he got to you.
You had a chance,
but it's through.
You could've lived,
a free life.
But he had to use,
a sharp knife.
I tried to warn you,
you ignored me.
And now you lay,
here before me.
Six feet under,
in earth's bed.
You loved his lies,
and now you're dead.."
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